Enclaves (RFC-097)

Document Maintainers: Andi Gabriel Tan 2024. List of other contributors in Annex. 1.

Copyright: MIT license

Copyright © 2018-2024 Axiologic Research and Contributors.

This document is licensed under MIT license.


OpenDSU Enclaves is a concept that allows storing sensitive data and controlling access to it in the most granular way possible. The concept represents or presents similarities with a database, a communication system based on Message Queues, or a Key Management System. The OpenDSU Enclaves concept has been and is being implemented and used for the first time, along with another OpenDSU concept named “Security Context”.

The idea of how OpenDSU evolved and how it continues to evolve is to no longer remove the secret keys and the private keys outside the enclave but to do all cryptographic operations inside the enclave. The concept of the enclave has been refactored with OpenDSU to convey more clearly that all operations with secret keys, signatures, and decryptions are made at the enclave level. After this step, it can be chosen where it is actually executed.

1. OpenDSU SDK: “enclave” API Space

Figure 1: Enclave

As presented in Security Context RFC-075 , the enclave is a system for storing Private Keys for DIDs, Secret Keys for symmetric AES type encryption or records represented in tabular form, as a database. These records may contain different types of data, more or less sensitive, but if the user has decided to treat them, then he probably has a reason to put them inside the Wallet and the Enclave. An essential function of the enclave is to keep the KeySSIs to which the Wallet has access.

The OpenDSU system provides automation in how to work with private keys or even with secret keys. Solving a KeySSI leads us to obtain a DSU instance that results in automatic registers of that KeySSI in an enclave. These KeySSIs are in a hierarchy. For example, we have a KeySSI from which we derive a less powerful one, and we can continue to have weaker and weaker levels of power and role. If at the level of an application, i.e. at the level of a Security Context or a Wallet, we used a strong KeySSI at a certain point, we automatically registered it, and if the code shows that we only have local access to a derived KeySSI, i.e. a less powerful one, we automatically get access to the functionalities that require a higher level of access.

Figure 2: Enclave types

There is no single type of enclave. Many enclaves can be invented. As we can see in this figure, we have more options. It can be enclaves that are on the client side, meaning that there are enclaves that exist only inside the Wallets and are usually implemented in the form of DSUs. The Wallets made on DSUs already have the ability to store sensitive data because DSUs suddenly offer them encryption, integrity properties, and so on. Therefore, in some situations, enclaves can be implemented simply in the form of an Embedded DB. This is what we offer by default. On the other hand, if the wallets are not configured, a WalletDBEnclave is offered as the Wallet’s enclave.

There are two enclaves: WalletDBEnclave and Remote Enclave. The second enclave goes to a server to store the data, meaning it is no longer an Embedded DB. As we can see, we have different implementations for the enclave concept. The Enclave component offers some general APIs, but it has an implementation, meaning it can have a default based on Loki Enclave, or it can have others that will appear over time. Among these others that may occur, it is best to mention the enclaves that use a Key Management System (KMS) – which can be a KMS in the cloud or a KMS on hardware devices – or those that use the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) offered by the operating system. Based on the level of some processors, it provides functionalities for managing secrets in hardware, TEE, or similar things. It should be mentioned that all these implementations must offer the same set of APIs, so we have an interface for these Remote Enclaves and even Embedded Enclaves that provide the same interface as other enclaves.

1.1 Enclave methods

The enclaves can be built to be used either as a database system or as a message communication system based on message queues in such a way that, depending on the type of enclave and the purpose for which it is used, it has access to a series of well-defined APIs.

1.1.1 Elements access control

The elements or control APIs exposed by the enclave concept to granularly manage the control over the stored data in the enclave are made by simple APIs such as grantAccess for a specific type of element, table, or information in the enclave or such as revokeAccess, which, for a certain identity, allows to restrict or cancel the access held until that time. At the same time, the enclave allows interaction between data stored inside and external users. In fact, the user who has control over an enclave and above the data from a particular enclave can share that data with one or more other users in an auditable and variable form.

Figure 3: Enclave Elements

Enclaves should provide multiple interfaces and should be able to work with them in different groups of APIs (for KSM, for DIDs, for signing using a DID, private KMS for DIDs and SSIs, message queues and tables). For the last one mentioned, we refer to records grouped in tables, based on which we can make queries.

One principle that should be taken into account and that should be carefully implemented in each of the enclave types listed here is that, ideally, the private or secret key should not “leave” the environment in which the enclave is instantiated. Therefore, this requires that all signing/encryption operations are performed inside the enclave and that the client does not request a private or secret key. In this way, the level of security is better. This remains to be seen about table queries, because the concept is still evolving.

Figure 4: DID’s Enclave and Clients

From the point of view of data access and how access is realized, we have two concepts: DID Enclave (DID Key) and DID Clients. Each enclave will have a DID. When we refer to the first of them, it should not be possible for anyone other than authorized customers to ask for information from the enclave. So, the enclave will have a DID Key and will communicate via encrypted messages with customers. In the case of the second enclave, any user or wallet with access to the data in the enclaves can send encrypted messages. The enclave verifies that the messages are encrypted correctly and signed by the identified client, then automatically does or does not give access to the records, depending on the permissions that have been set by grant operations (grantAccess). In the case of these enclaves, we refer to Remote DIDs, because Embedded ones have access levels (they do not need DIDs). Even if APIs always require a DID (e.g. forDID), that is through all APIs, and it signifies the DID of the customer who is requesting access.

Any security context uses an Enclave to store private and secret keys. For optimization purposes, it could also request and use these keys directly in the execution environment. However, the keys and DIDs generated in an Enclave are not allowed to leave that Enclave.

1.2. Access Control Enclave Methods

  • getEnclaveDID()
  • grantAccess(forDID, elementType, elementAlias, accesType, adminSignature, callback)
    • elementType: “enclave”, “table”, “did”, “secretKey”,” publicKey”, queue
    • elementAlias can be a specific value (the name or alias of a specific element as string) or the “*” wildcard
    • accesType can be “read” or “write”
  • revokeAccess(forDID, elementType, elementAlias, accesType, adminSignature, callback)

Function getDID(callback)

Description: This method is called in order to receive the DID document identifier of the enclave.

Name Type Value Description
callback function *required  

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the delete call. If err is undefined, the record was successfully deleted
res string The identifier of a DID document

Function grantWriteAccess(forDID, callback)

Description: Grant write access to the current enclave for a certain DID.

Function grantReadAccess(forDID, callback)

Description: Grant read access to the current enclave for a certain DID.

Function RevokeWriteAccess(forDID, callback)

Description: Remove write access to the current enclave for a certain DID.

Function RevokeReadAccess(forDID, callback)

Description: Remove read access to the current enclave for a certain DID.

1.3. Use enclaves as Databases

When we talk about enclaves used as a database we have access to APIs such as insertRecord, getRecord, filterRecords, deleteRecord and updateRecord.

  • insertRecord(forDID, table, pk, plainRecord, encRecord, callback)
  • getRecord(forDID, table, pk, callback)
  • filterRecords(forDID, table, filter, sort, max, callback) Where filter has the following form :

     [“filed op value”, …]
     Example [“id == 1”, “price >= 3”]
     Supported operations: !=, ==, >=, <, <=, like
  • deleteRecord(forDID, table, pk, callback)
  • updateRecord(forDID, table, pk, record, callback)

Function insertRecord(forDID, table, pk, plainRecord, encRecord, callback)

Description: This method inserts a record into the specified table of the enclave. If the table does not exist it will be automatically created.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the insert call.
table string *required Name of the table where the record should be inserted.
pk any *required Primary key of the record to insert.
plainRecord any *required Record to be inserted.
encRecord any optional Encrypted record. This feature is experimental.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the insert call.
If err is undefined, the record was successfully inserted.

Function getRecord(forDID, table, pk, callback)

Description: This function retrieves the record with the specified primary key, pk, from the specified table.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
table string *required Name of the table .
pk any *required Primary key of the record.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the record was successfully retrieved.
record any The retrieve record.

Function filterRecords(forDID, table, filter, sort, max, callback)

Description: This function retrieves the records based on a specified filter.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
table   *required Name of the table .
filter array *required The filter is an array of tuples
[“field operation value”, …]
Example [“id == 1”, “price >= 3”]
Supported operations: !=, ==, >=, <, <=, like
sort   optional By default the records are sorted in ascending order based on the filter field. This can be explicitly specified using “asc” or “desc”.
max   optional The maximum number of records to return.
The default value is Infinity.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call. If err is undefined, the records were successfully retrieved.
record any The retrieve record.

Function deleteRecord(forDID, table, pk, callback)

Description: Delete the “pk” record from “table”.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
table string *required Name of the table .
pk any *required Primary key of record.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the delete call.
If err is undefined, the record was successfully deleted.

Function updateRecords(forDID, table, pk, record, callback)

Description: This method will replace the value of an existent record with a new one.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
table string *required Name of the table .
pk any *required Primary key of record.
record any *required The new value for the record with the specified primary key.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the record was successfully updated.

1.4. Use enclaves as Message Queues (experimental features)

When we refer to enclaves used as a communication system through Message Queues, we have access to APIs to add messages to the queue, to check the size of the message queue, to list a certain message queue etc.

  • addInQueue(forDID, queueName, encryptedObject, callback)
  • queueSize(forDID, queueName, callback)
  • listQueue(forDID, queueName, sortAfterInsertTime, onlyFirstN, callback)
    • returns a list of hashes for onlyFirstN messages
  • getObjectFromQueue(forDID, queueName, hash,callback)
  • deleteObjectFromQueue(forDID, queueName, hash,callback)

Function addlnQueue(forDID, queueName, encryptedObject, callback)

Description: This method will add a message in the queue with the specified name.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
queueName string *required Name of the queue.
encryptedObject any *required The message to add in the queue.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the message was successfully added.

Function queueSize(forDID, queueName, callback)

Description: Function used to retrieve the current number of messages in a queue.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
queueName string *required Name of the queue.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the queue size is retrieved.
size int The current number of messages in the specified queue.

Function listQueue(forDID, queueName, sortAfterInsertTime, onlyFirstN, callback)

Description: Return a list of identifiers for the messages in the specified queue.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
queueName string *required Name of the queue.
sortAfterInsertTIme string optional The order by which the items are sorted by time of insert in the queue.
Default value is “asc”.
onlyFirsttN int optional Maximum number of messages to be returned.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the messages list is retrieved.
messages array List of message identifiers.

Function getObjectFromQueue(forDID, queueName, hash, callback)

Description: Retrieves a message from the queue based on the object hash.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
queueName string *required Name of the queue.
hash string *required Hash of the object to be retrieved.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the message is retrieved.
messages any The retrieved message.

Function deleteObjectFromQueue(forDID, queueName, hash, callback)

Description: Delete an object from “queueName”.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
queueName string *required Name of the queue.
hash string *required Hash of the object to be deleted.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the delete call.
If err is undefined, the message was deleted.

1.5. Use enclaves as Key Management Systems

When we talk about enclaves used as a Key Management System, we refer to a collection of APIs that allow us to store and interact with KeySSIs for different DSUs. KeySSI Storage is created in order to be able to keep in a secure environment the keys with write rights and the keys with the ability to demonstrate the ownership of an entity or user over the DSU. As a result, the enclaves used as KeySSI Management System can store SeedSSIs or DIDs, and based on them, it can allow signing, encryption and decryption of messages or new versions of DSUs.

  • storeKeySSI(forDID, keySSI, callback)
  • generateSeedSSI(forDID, hint, callback)
  • storeDID(forDID, storedDID, privateKeys)
  • generateDID(forDID,didMethod, …args)
  • storePrivateKey(forDID, privateKey, type, alias)
  • storeSecretKey(forDID, secretKey, alias)
  • generateSecretKey(forDID,secretKeyAlias)

Function storeKeySSI(forDID, keySSI, callback)

Description: This function is used to store a key SSI.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
keySSI string *required KeySSI to store.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the insert call.
If err is undefined, the keySSI was stored.

Function createSeedSSI(forDID, hint, callback)

Description: This function is used to generate a Seed SSI. For additional information see RFC-068

Description: This function is used to store a key SSI.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
enclave object *required Current enclave object.
domain string *required The blockchain domain of the SSI key you want to build.
vn string optional Version number of the SSI Type.
hint object optional hint for the KeySSi resolver.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the insert call.
If err is undefined, the seed SSI was created.
seedSSI any The created seed SSI.

Function storeDID(forDID, storedDID, privateKeys)

Description: Function used to store a DID.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID of the user executing the call.
storedDID object *required The DID document object to be stored.
privateKeys array *required A list of private keys of the DID document.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the insert call.
If err is undefined, the DID was stored.

Function generateDID(forDID, didMethod,…args)

Description: Function that created a DID with the specified DID method.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
didMethod string *required The DID method.
args array *required Arguments required for DID creation. For additional information see RFC-082

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the generated DID is returned
key any The generated DID.

Function storePrivateKey(forDID, privateKey, type, alias)

Description: Store a specified private key.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
privateKey string *required Private key to store.
type string *required Private key type.
alias string optional Private key identifier, will be randomly generated if not specified
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the stored private key is returned.
key any The stored private key.

Function storeSecretKey(forDID, secretKey, alias)

Description: Store a specified secret key.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
secretKey string *required Secrete key to store.
alias string optional Secret key identifier, will be randomly generated if not specified.
callback function *required Callback function

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the stored secret key is returned.
key any The stored secret key.

Function generateSecretKey(forDID, secretKeyAlias)

Description: Generate and store a 32 bytes secret encryption key.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
secretKeyAlias string optional Secrete key identifier, will be randomly generated if not specified.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the generated secret key is returned.
key any The generated secret key.

1.6. Cryptographic functionality offered by enclaves

  • signForDID(forDID, didThatIsSigning, hash)
  • keySSISign(forDID, keySSIThatIsSigning, hash)
  • encryptAES(forDID, secretKeyAlias, message, AESParams)
  • encryptMessage(forDID, didFrom, didTo, message)
  • decryptMessage(forDID, didTo, encryptedMessage, callback)

Function signForDID(forDID, didThatIsSigning, hash)

Description: Method that signs a message with the private key of the DID document.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID to sign for.
didThatIsSigning object *required DID that is signing.
hash string *required Data to signed.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the signature is retrieved.
signature any The signed hash.

Function signForKeySSI(forDID, keySSIThatIsSigning, hash)

Description: Method that signs a message with the keySSI.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID of the user executing the call.
keySSIThatIsSigning object *required key SSI to sign the message with
hash string *required Data to be sign.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the signature is retrieved.
signature any The signed hash.

Function encryptAES(forDID, secretKeyAlias, message, AESParams)

Description: Function that encrypts the message with the secret key stored under the specified alias.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
secretKeyAlias string *required The identifier of the stored secret key to be used for encryption.
message string *required Message to encrypt.
AESParams object optional Encryption options
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the encrypted message was received.
message any The encrypted message.

Function decryptAES(forDID, secretKeyAlias, encryptedMessage, AESParams)

Description: Function that decrypts the message using the secret key stored under the specified alias.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string *required DID of the user executing the call.
secretKeyAlias string *required The identifier of the stored secret key to be used for decryption.
encryptedMessage string *required Message to encrypt.
AESParams object optional Decryption options
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the decrypted message was received.
message any The decrypted message.

Function encryptMessage(forDID, didFrom, didTo, message)

Description: Method that encrypts the message with the public key of the receiving DID.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID of the user executing the call.
didForm object *required DID that encrypts the message.
didTo object *required DID to receive the encrypted message.
message any *required Data to be encrypted.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the encrypted message was received.
message any The encrypted message.

Function decryptMessage(forDID, didTo, encryptedMessage, callback)

Description: Method that decrypts the message with the private key of the receiving DID.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID of the user executing the call.
didTo object *required DID that encrypts the message.
message any *required Encrypted data.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the decrypted message was received
message any TheThe decrypted message.

1.7. KeySSI specific functions

  • storeKeySSI(forDID, keySSI, callback) - already described here
  • storeReadForAliasSSI(forDID, sReadSSI, aliasSSI, callback)
  • getReadForKeySSI(forDID, keySSI, callback)
  • signForKeySSI(forDID, keySSI, hash, callback) - already described here

Enclaves also expose the whole keySSI API.

More information about this api can be found in RFC-068

Function storeReadForAliasSSI(forDID, sReadSSI, aliasSSI, callback)

Description: Method that stores a sReadSSI under the specified alias.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID of the user executing the call.
sReadSSI string *required sReadSSI to store under aliasSSI.
aliasSSI string *required AliasSSI for sReadSSI.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the sReadSSI was stored.

Function getReadForKeySSI(forDID, keySSI, callback)

Description: Method that provides a sReadSSI for a specified keySSI.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID of the user executing the call.
keySSI object *required KeySSI for which to generate the sReadSSI.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the sReadSSI was retrieved.
sReadSSI any The read for the keySSI.

1.8. DSU Resolver specific functions

  • createDSU(forDID, keySSI, options, callback)
  • loadDSU(forDID, keySSI, options, callback)

Function createDSU(forDID, keySSI, options, callback)

Description: Method that creates a DSU for the specified keySSI.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID of the user executing the call.
keySSI object *required KeySSI for which to create the DSU.
options object optional DSU option.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the DSU was created.

Function loadDSU(forDID, keySSI, options, callback)

Description: Method that loads a DSU with the specified keySSI.

Name Type Value Description
forDID string optional DID of the user executing the call.
keySSI object *required KeySSI for which to load the DSU.
options object optional DSU option.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the DSU was loaded.
dsu object The loaded DSU.

1.9. W3C DIDs specific functions

  • getDID(callback) - already described here
  • storeDID(forDID, storedDID, privateKeys, callback)
  • addPrivateKeyForDID(didDocument, privateKey, callback)
  • generateDID(forDID, didMethod, …args) - already described here
  • signForDID(forDID, didThatIsSigning, hash, callback) - already described here
  • verifyForDID(forDID, didThatIsVerifying, hash, signature, callback)

Enclaves also expose the whole W3C DIDs API. More information about this api can be found in RFC-082

Function addPrivateKeyForDID(didDocument, privateKey, callback)

Description: Method that adds a private key to the didDocuments’s private keys list.

Name Type Value Description
didDocument object *required The DID to update.
privateKey string *required New private key to be loaded,
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the private key was added.
dsu object The loaded DSU.

Function verifyForDID(forDID, didThatIsVerifying, hash, signature, callback)

Description: Method that verifies the signature of a message for a specified did.

Name Type Value Description
forDID object optional DID of the user executing the call.
didThatIsVerifying string *required DID that will verify the signature of the message using its public key.
hash string *required Initial message.
signature string *required The signature of the message.
callback function *required Callback function.

Callback parameters

Name Type Response example
err any Error message for errors that occurred during the execution of the call.
If err is undefined, the verificationResult was received.
verificationResult any The verification result.

1.9.1. Enclaves with Deterministic Key Derivation

Costs of the KMS systems (pay per key), backup problems or performance constraints created pressure on creating enclaves that derive the private keys used for SeedSSIs from a “generator key” and a deterministic “salt”.

The goal of these types of enclaves is to reduce the number of private keys that are stored in an enclave. To do this, each enclave will support the concept of “Generator Slot” or simply “slot”. In each slot, a “generator key” is stored (a random number). The enclaves that support Deterministic Key Derivation (DKD) should take advantage of the “hint” part of a sReadSSI and create the corresponding SeedSSI by DKD. The hint part is a base58 encoded JSON with the fields “slot” and “path”.

For the ePI use case, the slot field is initialized with 0 if it is not present and the path is a string: a GTIN value or a GTIN value concatenated with “/” and a batch number. Slot 0 always contains the private key of the enclave’s DID.


ssi:sread:domain:hash_private_key_base58:public_key:v0:{slot:”1”, path:”/12345678901234/abcde”}

When an enclave is requested to sign using a sRead KeySSI that has a path hint, it will use the hint to obtain the corresponding private key.

2. OpenDSU SDK implementations

  • APIHubEnclave: uses APIHub endpoints to send requests.
  • HighSecurityEnclave: uses APIHub endpoints to send requests but encrypts all requests, so they are readable only by the holder EnclaveDID (with the corresponding private key).
  • MobilePhoneEnclave: uses OpenDSU MQ to communicate with a mobile phone app acting as an enclave (and probably using a native enclave implementation).
  • WalletDBEnclave: uses an internal WalletDB inside of the wallet.
  • ComposedEnclave: delegates the actual actions to a set of logically unified enclaves (tries using them one by one until one succeeds in executing the request).

2.1. Initiating Functions in Enclave API

  • initialiseWalletDBEnclave;
  • initialiseMemoryEnclave;
  • initialiseRemoteEnclave;
  • connectEnclave;
  • createEnclave;
  • registerEnclave.

Function initialiseWalletDBEnclave(keySSI, did)

Description: This function will create and return a WalletDB enclave.

Name Type Value Description
keySSI object optional Enclave KeySSI.
did string optional DID of the user executing call.

Function initialiseMemoryEnclave()

Description: This function will create and return a memory enclave. No parameters are required for the creation of this type of enclave.

Function initialiseRemoteEnclave(clientDID, remoteDID)

Description: This function will create a client side enclave that will communicate with the remote server enclave.

Name Type Value Description
clientDID string *required DID of the client.
remoteDID string *required DID of remote enclave.

Function createEnclave(enclaveType, …args)

Description: This function will create an enclave with the specified type. All the supported types can be found in the moduleConstants.js file -> ENCLAVE_TYPES.

Name Type Value Description
enclaveType string *required Desired enclave type.
*args string *required Parameters for the enclave constructor function.

Function registerEnclave(enclaveType, enclaveConstructor)

Description: This is used to register a new enclave constructor function under new enclave type.

3. Deployment

If the needs or functionality requirements involve that our enclave stores data in data systems, this can be achieved through a SqliteEnclave implementation that uses a file and a Sqlite engine to store data from the enclave type. Suppose we are talking about enclaves for mobile devices, then the OpenDSU concept will be based on its implementation in the use of enclaves or TEE mechanisms available on both iOS and Android.

3.1. EnclaveAdapters are typically separate containers

Interaction with this OpenDSU Enclave concept can be done both directly and through layers or intermediaries. These may be represented by APIHub or can be the so-called EnclaveAdapter Interfaces. When we refer to APIHub intermediary, we are talking about the possibility that an instance of APIHub can expose a collection of APIs through which a user can have the opportunity to build or to upload but also to interact with enclaves.

Depending on the degree of importance of the data stored in that enclave, it can use either an encrypted communication that allows remote access via APIHub to the enclave or an unsecured communication.

  • Web APIs are similar to APIs of the Enclave instances from OpenDSU SDK.
  • All methods will have an enclaveDID parameter and typically require the signature of a “forDID” that was allowed by the enclave administrator to access the enclave elements (tables, keys etc.).
  • The enclave administrators can use the grantWriteAccess, grantReadAccess, revokeWriteAccess and revokeReadAccess methods to give or revoke write/read access to other DIDs.
  • The DID that created an Enclave element gets access by default.

3.2. Native Enclaves

When we talk about the EnclaveAdapter Interface, we refer to a collection of native implementations plus a WebAPIs collection to facilitate the interaction and consumption of information stored in native enclaves or in enclaves that use as storage media available technologies such as LinuxTEE, iOSTEE, and AndroidTEE or Sqlite, but also any other type of system we want to use as a storage layer for our enclave.

A Native Enclave offers http/https endpoints (the EnclaveAdapter web APIs) that can be used by the APIHubEnclave or HighSecurityEnclave from OpenDSU SDK, typically mediated by the WebAPIEnclave strategy from APIHub. A native enclave can be executed:

  • on a remote server;
  • in a separate container in the same cluster;
  • as part of the native layer in a native application (mobile or desktop).

Possible Implementations

Some implementations are experimental or not stable:

  • SqliteEnclave: use sqlite as storage
  • KMSEnclave: use a KMS (local hardware or cloud KMS)
  • LinuxTEE: use the native TEE
  • iOSTEE: use the native TEE
  • AndroidTEE: use the native TEE

Figure 5: Security Context


  1. Axiologic Research: New content and improvements. Original texts under PharmaLedger Association and Novartis funding. MIT licensed content accordingly with the contracts. Publish and maintain the www.opendsu.org site.

  2. PharmaLedger Project: Review, feedback, observations, new content, and corrections MIT licensed accordingly with the consortium agreements.

  3. PrivateSky Research Project: MIT licensed content accordingly with the contracts. https://profs.info.uaic.ro/~ads/PrivateSky/

Annex 1. Contributors

Current Editors Email
Sînică Alboaie sinica.alboaie@axiologic.net
Cosmin Ursache cosmin@axiologic.net
Teodor Lupu teodor@axiologic.net
Andi-Gabriel Țan andi@axiologic.net
Contributors Axiologic Research Email
Adrian Ganga adrian@axiologic.net
Andi-Gabriel Țan andi@axiologic.net
Cosmin Ursache cosmin@axiologic.net
Daniel Sava daniel@axiologic.net
Nicoleta Mihalache nicoleta@axiologic.net
Valentin Gérard valentin@axiologic.net
PrivateSky Contributors Email
Alex Sofronie alsofronie@gmail.com (DPO)
Cosmin Ursache cos.ursache@gmail.com (UAIC)
Daniel Sava sava.dumitru.daniel@gmail.com (HVS, AQS)
Daniel Visoiu visoiu.daniel.g@gmail.com (SGiant)
Lenuța Alboaie lalboaie@gmail.com (UAIC)
Rafael Mastaleru rafael@rms.ro (RMS)
Sînică Alboaie salboaie@gmail.com (UAIC)
Vlad Balmos vlad.balmos@gmail.com (Code932)
PharmaLedger Contributors Email
Ana Balan bam@rms.ro (RMS)
Bogdan Mastahac mab@rms.ro (RMS)
Cosmin Ursache cos@rms.ro (RMS)
Rafael Mastaleru raf@rms.ro (RMS)